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  • Simple Small Backyard Landscaping Ideas

Simple Small Backyard Landscaping Ideas

By Eugene WilliamsLast update: 2022-10-15
Simple Small Backyard Landscaping Ideas

To create a wonderful garden or greenery background, it doesn’t require your backyard to be spacious. With some clever choices, arranging, and placing, you can transform a boring yard that seems to be useless into a lively and pretty outdoor space.

Below are some simple small backyard landscaping ideas to consider:

Grow A Lawn

Simple Small Backyard Landscaping Ideas

More than just looks, a thick, healthy lawn delivers many unexpected benefits to the environment and your health.

For example, it reduces temperatures, decreases noise pollution, improves soil, and eliminates erosion from heavy rains. Not to say that it traps carbon dioxide and cleans the air. They are something that a wood, asphalt, or concrete surfaces can’t do.

With a small backyard, seeding a law makes it feel less claustrophobic and opens up the area significantly.

If you don’t plan to usually walk on the lawn, integrating a groundcover into the landscape is a great ideal to transform it into a beautiful garden.

Container Gardening

Simple Small Backyard Landscaping Ideas

This idea is not only simple and easy to carry out but also gives you organic foods or fragrant flowers.

Don’t worry if you are just a beginner, these containers require very little maintenance and there are a lot of easy-to-grow plants. Such as berry creeping wintergreen, emerald lace plectranthus, and ornamental peppers.

It adds a unique character to your garden by showing off your favorite flowers and plants.

With some cleverness in arranging their shapes and colors, and artistry focal point can be created easily.

Planting Tough Groundcovers

Simple Small Backyard Landscaping Ideas

If you have a small backyard with uncommon shape, there will definitely be some narrow strips and crevices that lack moisture and soil. Am I right?

Instead of ignoring them, the most optimal solution is growing some vining pots or groundcovers in such positions. Create a small frame for them to crawl on if you have time or simple let these groundcovers “invade” over your area.

Choose the tough, easy-to-maintain plants so you don’t have to bother about them on those busy days. For instance, choose cactus or succulents on sunny areas and ivy on shade spots.

A trick to keep your plant’s foliage clean is adding a mulch of gravel.

Climbing Plants

Simple Small Backyard Landscaping Ideas

For those who don’t know, climbing plants are a vine or plant that climb up tall obstructions such as wall and fence.

The idea of growing climbing plants is particularly perfect for the elderly or people suffering back and knee issues. Growing some tough, vining climbing plants along your fence or walls is also a great idea to eliminate noise from your neighborhood or streets.

Besides, plants help improve the air.

Vines and bines – the two broad groups of climbing plants – are quietly varied in species to choose from, most of which are very easy to grow and take care of.

For fast-growing, you can try morning glory, etoile Violette, clematis, and wisteria Sinensis. Conversely, some slow-growing climbing plants are pink trumpet vine, moonflower, and hyacinth bean vine.

Columnar Evergreen Trees

Simple Small Backyard Landscaping Ideas

This is arguably a very practical landscaping idea for the small backyard because they’re tall and narrow, providing more light at the bottom to grow other plants while giving an extra room to the side.

In other words, columnar evergreen trees are quite space-efficient.

Whether planted alone or close together, they still deliver specific beauty and benefits. For example, if grown close together, they serve as a green hedge or elegant evergreen screen.

But when planted alone, they create a nice effect to puncture your outdoor space. Not to say that pears, apples, and other fruit plants even bloom beautifully and give you fruits all year round for different landscaping look.

Simple Small Backyard Landscaping Ideas

Dwarf Plants

Not only deliver different benefits in agriculture but the dwarf or compact plants also create welcoming greenery background for your small yard.

You can plant up to 50 dwarf fruit trees in a backyard where can accommodate 3-4 standard trees. That means this option is very ideal for small areas. The best thing is when it’s time for harvesting, you can easily reach the fruit to pick and enjoy.

Simple Small Backyard Landscaping Ideas

Besides, dwarf plants are very easy to seed, take care of, and protect from animals, like birds and raccoons.

The perfect considering to grow these miniature plants is fertilized, well-drained soil and half-day or full sun.

Window Boxes

Growing plants in window boxes is really a thing to consider because they help you save space significantly while adding a fantastic touch to the exterior look of your house.

Depending on the size of the window boxes you choose, they will create a big difference to the entire hardscape design. The biggest bonus is its great maneuverability and flexibility that you can hang it anywhere wanted, whether on the fence or your patio.

With some sophistication in arranging and placing, these window boxes work like the missing pieces to the overall picture-perfect home puzzle.

Simple Small Backyard Landscaping Ideas

For all-year-round looking, here are some suggested plants to grow in window boxes:

  • Ivy
  • Fuldaglut Sedum
  • Blue Star Juniper
  • Bergenia
  • Golden Creeping Jenny
  • Golden Sword Yucca

Hanging Baskets

Simple Small Backyard Landscaping Ideas

Hanging baskets or planters are a creative way to enhance your small backyard oasis and define your characteristics.

No matter where you plan to hang it onto, these baskets give a sense of beauty and serenity to your outdoor space while improving the air quality and boosting your health through its natural aroma.

A big plus of hanging baskets is you don’t have to crawl on your knees anymore just to take care or harvest them. This is particularly useful for both children and the elderly. Keeping vegetables and flowers in suspended planters is also an easy and quick solution to soil problems.


Above are 8 simple small backyard landscaping ideas for any homeowner to try, no matter you’re a beginner gardener or a pro. Not just easy to do, these options are very budget-friendly.

I hope with my sharing, you’ll find the best ways to add green and beauty to your outdoor space. Thanks for reading!

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